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IT and computing services

Our innovative IT and computing solutions will help prevent strain on your current IT infrastructure.

IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 (Verified Assessment)


IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 Verified Assessment helps organisations achieve and demonstrate a comprehensive level of information security for a realistic cost. It allows organisations of all sizes to demonstrate to clients and business partners that they manage information and data securely.

You must already be certified to Cyber Essentials to gain IASME Cyber Assurance.

If you do not have a current Cyber Essentials certification you can add this to your basket and buy both Cyber Essentials and IASME Cyber Assurance together.

When your payment is received, we will send you login details to access the on-line assessment platform to enable you to begin your certification. You will have 6 months to complete your assessment before your account is archived. Unfortunately, we cannot issue a refund if this happens so, please do not apply until you think you are ready for the assessment.
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